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Myofascial Release Therapy

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Upper Back Massage

What is myofascial release therapy?


Before we go into the therapy side, lets strip back the layers to understand the treatment better. A very brief overview.


What is Fascia ? : If you have ever skinned a chicken or cooked a leg of lamb you will have seen a thin whitish transparent layer covering the meat. This is fascia. It's extremely strong and fibrous and has 3 different layers as it helps isolate and support muscles. The layer nearest the skin is connective tissue and the deeper you go the fascia contains variable amounts of fat. 

We need fascia to be able to move and protect the muscles. Sometimes we blame our 'stiff muscles' causing pain, but the cause may just stem from the fascia where it becomes tight and over time connective adhesions appear, which these adhesions in turn act as trigger points of pain.


What is a hypertonic pelvic floor? : Think of your pelvic floor as a 3 storied house. The basement is where the pelvic floor is too lax and has very little tension, doing a kegel is also problematic as the muscles are so weak it's difficult to contract the muscles.

Then you have the ground floor, just right not too low and not too high, pelvic floor contractions are achievable and the fascia is able to move easily during exercises. 

Then there is the attic, that's you with hypertonicity, the pelvic floor is so tight it remains high, Kegels are near impossible as the pelvic floor is already contracted. Fascia is tight and very little movement is achieved. 

Stress incontinence is one symptom of a hypertonic pelvic floor. 

Can men have a hypertonic pelvic floor? Yes this can happen for many reasons to both men, women and also transgender. 


Who can treat a hypertonic pelvic floor? : There are a number of things you can do yourself to help yourself such as :

Buteyko breathing (always check with the expert first as this breathing can lower blood pressure) 
Certain yoga relaxing positions
Muscle massage using some of the therapy massage balls
Using the fingers and thumb (please get trained first by a professional) 
But above all, before you venture out into selfcare treatment, please always have your muscles and fascia checked professionally as they will know exactly where the trigger points are to offer the correct diagnosis and treatment.

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